At present, Telegram has gained a lot of popularity worldwide. The number of Telegram users is increasing day by day because it’s very convenient for them to communicate via Telegram messenger. Telegram is popular because of its feature of creating channels. Each channel is created on a specific topic. It’s pretty common to find that users are trying to download a video from Telegram but they don’t know the process to download it and therefore, they browse ‘How to download Telegram Videos on Windows 10’. Well, now you don’t need to browse any other site if you have landed here because we are going to give a simple and thorough explanation of How to download Telegram Videos on Windows 10.
5 Methods On How To Download Telegram Videos On Windows 10
Method 1: Via the desktop app
If you prefer this method, you can download any video from Telegram on your PC and watch it offline.
Step 1: Download a video from Telegram
- Sub-step 1: From the search bar option, find Telegram and double-click to open the app.
- Sub-step 2: You’ll see a search bar on the left side. Type the name of the video that you are looking for.
- Sub-step 3: You’ll see a list of accounts that contain the video that you want to download. Click on any of the channels.
- Sub-step 4: There will be a button that represents the symbol of the down arrow at the top of the video. Click on it to download the video.
- Sub-step 5: The video will start getting downloaded. Wait until the process of downloading is completed. Afterwards, you can see the downloaded video.
- Sub-step 6: To watch the preview of the video, click on the option of ‘Play’ present at the centre and you’ll get to know a brief about the video such as its quality, sound clarity, etc.
Step 2: To watch a video in the app itself
If you want to play a video on Telegram itself, you should follow the steps mentioned below:
- Sub-step 1: After the video is successfully downloaded, click on the option of ‘Play’ to watch the video in the app itself.
- Sub-step 2: Select the option of ‘Full-screen Mode’ to watch the video in full screen. The icon is present at the bottom.
- Sub-step 3: If you want to close the video, click on the icon of ‘x’ present at the top.
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Step 3: Watch the video in the form of a file
If you wish to watch a video via the video player of the PC, you should follow the steps mentioned below:
- Sub-step 1: Head towards ‘Windows Explorer’ to open the folder of ‘Download’.
- Sub-step 2: A folder of Telegram Desktop is created when you start downloading a video from the app.
- Sub-step 3: Open the folder and you’ll get the downloaded video as a file.
- Sub-step 4: Watch the video on any of the video players that are available on your computer.
Step 4: If you want to save the video somewhere else
If you are interested in keeping the downloaded video somewhere else rather than the designated folder, you should follow the steps mentioned below:
- Sub-step 1: Before you proceed with the downloading, right-click on the message containing the video file.
- Sub-step 2: You’ll get a drop-down list in which you have to select the option of ‘Save as’ for saving the file.
- Sub-step 3: A window appears, select the destination of the video where you want to save it.
- Sub-step 4: Enter the new name of the video in the provided bar to save it.
- Sub-step 5: Click on the option of ‘Save’.
- Sub-step 6: Open the folder where you saved the file once the downloading is completed. You’ll find the video in the destination folder.
Method 2: Using any third-party app
To proceed with downloading the video swiftly, you need to download a third-party application such as a video downloader. This app will help you to download any video from Telegram that is also of HD quality. To imply this procedure, we require a bot that will convert the video into the form of a usable link address and the app. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- Step 1: Enter the ‘@Files2LinkProBot’ command in the search bar of the app.
- Step 2: Select the option of ‘Start’ in the bot account. Select the window of ‘Join Channel’ and then choose the option of ‘Join Channel’ present on the bottom side of the Channel account.
- Step 3: Right-click on the selected video file. Select the option of ‘Forward’ from the drop-down list.
- Step 4: On the displayed screen, select the option of ‘Files To Link Pro’ Bot in the form of a recipient and hit ‘Enter’.
- Step 5: Wait until the bot sends a message for the video.
- Step 6: You’ll get a link to the video in the message. Click on it. A momentary message pops up on the screen that says ‘Text copied to clipboard’.
- Step 7: Head towards the web browser and look for ‘Telegram video downloader’. Select the first option you see on the screen.
- Step 8: Paste the link that was copied in your clipboard in the search bar.
- Step 9: The video will start getting downloaded. When the process is completed, you can see the downloaded file at the bottom of the screen. Select the option of ‘Download’ to download your video.
Method 3: Use any web extension
- Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 5 of method 2.
- Step 2: The message sent by the bot displays a link ‘Open with browser’. Click on the provided link to start the process of the download.
- Step 3: A new window appears on the screen. Select the option of ‘Open’. Wait until the file redirects you to the web browser.
- Step 4: After some time, the video will be downloaded. It’s now available in offline mode.
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Method 4: Via telegram bot
- Step 1: From the search bar of Telegram, look for ‘Public Download Link’.
- Step 2: Select the option of ‘Start’ to initiate the working of the bot.
- Step 3: Join the group of ‘@PTGProjects’ by selecting the option of ‘Join Channel’ located at the bottom of the screen.
- Step 4: Right-click on the selected video file and click on the option of ‘Forward’ that is available in the drop-down list.
- Step 5: Select the option of ‘Public Download Link Bot’ from the available list.
- Step 6: Hit ‘Enter’ and wait till the time bot sends you a message with a link. Click on the link to open it on the preferred web browser.
- Step 7: When the link loads successfully, scroll down to search for the option of ‘Download’ and select it.
Method 5: Via social media sites
- Step 1: From the search bar of Telegram, look for ‘@videodownloadbot’.
- Step 2: Click on the option of ‘Start’ so that the bot can proceed with the operations.
- Step 3: Copy the URL of the video that you want to download.
- Step 4: Paste the copied link in the telegram message bar of the bot account.
- Step 5: Hit ‘Enter’ to initiate the process and wait till it is completed.
- Step 6: When the process is completed, you’ll get a message of ‘Download complete’. The video is now available in a downloadable format. Select the icon ‘Download’ for downloading the video.
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How to download Telegram Videos on Windows 10 might sound a little complicated but it’s very easy when you apply any of the methods mentioned above. Now you can easily watch any movie or a series even while staying offline. Simple and the best way to enjoy your free time with yourself, family, and friends.