
Snapchat Pending Message: What does It Mean & How To Resolve It

Snapchat gained popularity because of its awesome features of chatting and sharing photos. Comparing it with other social media platforms, it is unique in its own way. People can share their daily routine by sending snippets of their life to their family and friends which is termed as snaps.

As we said that it is unique in its way when compared with other social platforms, users will take a bit of time to understand its offered features and specifically the significance of varied notifications when they pop up.

From the varied notification, we will be discussing the pending notification which only a few users are generally aware of. If you see a notification of ‘pending’ pops up and you are confused about what it indicates, you have to go through the sections described below to understand it completely. Here, you’ll learn about Snapchat Pending Message: what does it mean?

Meaning Of Snapchat Pending Message

You’ll see the label of ‘pending’ under the name of your friend in the chat tab, in a chat, or under the name of your friend’s profile. You must be wondering the reason for the display of ‘pending’ status. The label ‘pending’ shows that your sent snap has not been delivered to the receiver yet. The ‘pending’ status of Snapchat also says that Snapchat will continue the attempt of sending your snap unless it gets delivered to the receiver or you cancel the complete process on your own.

Also Read : Special Snapchat Indicator: Grey Arrow Check on Snapchat

Reasons For Snapchat Pending Message

  • Unapproved Friend Request: Before you send any snap to the receiver, make sure that the person has accepted your friend request otherwise the status of your snap will remain pending only.
  • Un-Friend : The person might have earlier accepted your friend request on Snapchat but now he/she doesn’t want you to stay connected and therefore unfriended you. This can be a reason for displaying ‘pending status’.
  • Blocked: If somebody blocks you on Snapchat, you won’t be receiving any such notifications. This can be a reason for the appearance of a ‘pending’ status under your friend’s name. If you are blocked, you cannot see his/her profile too.
  • Offline Status: If you are offline, you’ll see a notification of ‘waiting to send for any pending message. When you connect your device with any cellular network or Wi-Fi, your snap or message will be delivered to the receiver.
  • Restricted Account: If you have violated the guidelines of Snapchat, the functionality of the app will get restricted and you won’t be able to send the message to anyone.
  • App Glitch: At times, the issue lies in the application itself. Maybe the app is facing some technical or bug issues that you aren’t aware of at present.
  • Service Issue: The service of Snapchat might go down for some time. That’s why your message is still pending on the other side.

Also Read: Time Saving Trick: Create A Snapchat Shortcut For Group Of People

Solutions To Avoid Snapchat Pending Message

If you want to avoid or sort out the issue of Snapchat Pending Message, you can try any of the described explanations below:

  • Internet Connectivity Check: You have to make sure that while sending any message or Snap through Snapchat, you have connected your device properly with a stable Wi-Fi or cellular network which provides a good internet connection.
  • Send a Snap to Another Friend: If you want to check that there is no tech issue behind the pending status, you can send any snap or message to another friend of yours. If it gets delivered to another friend & not the one whom you wish to talk to, it means that the person has either blocked or unfriended you.
  • Contact Your Friend Via Other Messaging App: If you want to contact your friend who has unfriended you, send a message of accepting your friend request again by using any other messaging application such as Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.
  • Move on: If the person has blocked or unfriended you, it simply means they don’t want to stay in touch with you. Rather than making several attempts to make your friend request accepted by them, it’s simple to move on.
  • Device Restart: If the message that you send to everyone on Snapchat is displaying the status of ‘pending’, there might be some glitches that you can fix by restarting your device.
  • Check Snapchat Services: You can try numerous methods for checking out if the Snapchat services are down or not. If it is down, you are left with no other option than to wait for Snapchat to work normally as before.

Also Read: Hourglass Last on Snapchat ⏳ : Meaning & Significance

Also Read: Sneak Peak: How To Half Swipe On Snapchat

Also Read: Snapchat Streaks And Stories: How Many Times Someone Viewed Story


There’s no such application that can work smoothly. At times, they face some technical issues and therefore messages don’t get delivered on time. The same goes for Snapchat. If your messages aren’t getting delivered to the receiver, you’ll see a status of pending under the name of your friend. Snapchat pending message: what does that mean? is all that you think after seeing the pending status. But we have cleared out your confusion and now you can find the exact reason for the issue. To know more about Snapchat features, you can browse our website. We are sure you’ll be amazed after reading our informative articles on Snapchat.

Shalini taragi

Shalini is a confident writer who exhibits the ability to work in any situation with a good level of concentration. She is filled with curiosity to explore new things in the field of content writing and loves to curate meaningful content which is beneficial for the users.

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